To: Yashy-Hack Subject: [yh] basic ipchains firewall Message-ID: After nmap'ing yourself, or doing it via Sek on IRC, you will have a list of open ports.. The simplest/safest way is to close EVERYTHING. Unless you are *sure* you want a specific port open, it shouldn't be. You can do (as root) # ipchains -L to see your current firewall. For testing purposes, you will want to try each of these lines manually.. once you have figured out how to make it perfect for your box, you can throw it in a script (I will assume you are using a bash shell). You do this by creating a file that starts with: #!/bin/sh # and start any following lines with a # if you want # them commented out. ipchains -A input -p TCP -d any/0 21 -j ACCEPT ipchains -A input -p TCP -d any/0 22 -j ACCEPT ipchains -A input -p TCP -d any/0 23 -j REJECT ipchains -A input -p TCP -d any/0 25 -j ACCEPT ipchains -A input -p TCP -d any/0 80 -j ACCEPT ipchains -A input -p TCP -d any/0 110 -j ACCEPT ipchains -A input -p TCP -d any/0 111 -j REJECT ipchains -A input -p TCP -d any/0 113 -j ACCEPT ipchains -A input -p TCP -d any/0 119 -j REJECT ipchains -A input -p TCP -d any/0 515 -j REJECT ipchains -A input -p TCP -d any/0 771 -j REJECT ipchains -A input -p TCP -d any/0 774 -j REJECT ipchains -A input -p TCP -d any/0 781 -j REJECT ipchains -A input -p TCP -d any/0 6000 -l -j REJECT # That is a basic firewall, covering the more common open ports. # This opens an ftp server, sshd, smtp, www, and ident. You probably # don't want all of these open. save that as a file, for example sake "firew", and do $ chmod +x firew you have now made it executable. try $ ./firew now. # ipchains -L will show you your current firewall, remember? You can use this to see if it worked.. -A specifies ADD a rule.. substitute it with -D to delete a rule if you mess up. -p TCP specifies TCP protocol (duh!), you can replace with UDP and ICMP (or leave out -p for ALL of the above). -d is the destination of the packet, and -s is the source of the packet. The next number is the port.. you can get a list of ports from /etc/services, or online at . -j is what do to, ACCEPT will accept the packet. DENY will DENY the packet (normal firewall) and REJECT will drop it as it tries to come in. -l will LOG anything that affects that rule to syslog ( /var/log/messages probably). Once you believe you have blocked everything, port scan yourself once again and see how successful you were. This of course is a basic firewall, and will be good enough to prevent several attacks. If you get stuck, email me, or find me on IRC.. ..Yashy - is it 8:30am already? ;) - Yashinski 'If Bill Gates had a dime for every time Windows crashed... ... Oh wait a minute, he already does...' - Anonymous _______ Yashy-Hack to unsubscribe: echo unsubscribe | mail